Fe ddaw'r blynyddau pur i ben

(Llwyddiant yr efengyl)
Fe ddaw'r blynyddau pur i ben
  Pan t'wyno efengyl grâs;
Fel haul ddysglaerwen yn y nen,
  O gwmpas daear lâs:
Aed ei air i blith y werin,
Sy'n y dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
Fel bo'i enw a'i
      glod yn ddibrin,
    Canu iddo, canu iddo,
  Halaluia gylch y byd.

Ac mi ddysgwylia 'r hyfryd awr,
  Bore-ddydd Iubili;
Pan ddelo holl dylwythau'r llawr,
  I garu'n Iesu ni:
Aed ei air i blith y werin,
Sy'n y dwyrain a'r gorllewin,
Fel bo'i enw a'i
      glod yn ddibrin,
    Canu iddo, canu iddo,
  Halaluia gylch y byd.

Dowch genedloedd, dowch yn un,
  Dros rwystrau maith eu rhi';
A gwir ryfeddwch tra fo'ch fyw,
  Yr Oen ar Galfari:
Clôd i'r Brenin, fo'n ddiderfyn,
Ddaeth o Iesse hardd flaguryn,
Alpha, Omega, dwyfol wreiddin,
    Ffynnon bywyd, ffynnon bywyd,
  I rai'n teithio
        yngwres y dydd.

Mae cofio heddyw am ei waed,
  Yn felys wlêdd ddi-drai;
Ac yn rhoi heddwch dwyfol pur,
  I'r holl grediniol rai:
Clôd i'r Brenin, fo'n ddiderfyn,
Ddaeth o Iesse hardd flaguryn,
Alpha, Omega, dwyfol wreiddin,
    Ffynnon bywyd, ffynnon bywyd,
  I rai'n teithio
        yngwres y dydd.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 8686+88887]

Gwelir: O dowch genedloedd dowch yn un

(The success of the gospel)
The pure years will come to pass
  When the gospel of grace will shine;
Like the clear bright sun in the sky,
  Around the blue-green earth:
Let his word go amongst the folk,
Who are in the east and the west,
That his name and his praise
      may be unstinting,
    Singing to him, singing to him,
  Hallelujah around the world.

And I shall await the delightful hour,
  The morning of Jubilee;
When all the tribes of earth below come
  To love our Jesus:
Let his word go amongst the folk,
Who are in the east and the west,
That his name and his praise
      may be unstinting,
    Singing to him, singing to him,
  Hallelujah around the world.

Come, ye nations, come as one,
  Over obstacles vast in number;
And truly wonder, while ever you live,
  At the Lamb of Calvary:
Praise to the King, be endless,
Who came from Jesse a beautiful shoot,
Alpha, Omega, a divine root,
    The fount of life, the fount of life,
  To those travelling
        in the heat of the day.

Remembering his blood today, is
  A sweet unebbing feast;
And giving pure divine peace,
  To all those who believe:
Praise to the King, be endless,
Who came from Jesse a beautiful shoot,
Alpha, Omega, a divine root,
    The fount of life, the fount of life,
  To those travelling
        in the heat of the day.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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